Breast Reduction Surgery Shopping List

Breast Reduction Surgery Shopping List

What You’ll Need to Buy Before Your Breast Reduction Surgery

1. A Good Support Bra

You’re going to need a good support bra to help you heal after your surgery. Look for one that has wide straps and is made of breathable material.

2. Compression Garments

Compression garments are essential for helping your body heal after surgery. They’ll help to reduce swelling and support your new breasts.

3. Ice Packs

Ice packs are great for reducing swelling and pain after your surgery. Be sure to have plenty on hand to help you heal.

4. Pain Medication

You’ll likely be prescribed pain medication after your surgery. Be sure to have it on hand so that you can take it as needed.

5. A Good Skincare Regimen

It’s important to take care of your skin after surgery. Be sure to follow your surgeon’s instructions for skincare and use gentle, fragrance-free products.

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