Brookwood Middle School 6th Grade Supply List
As your child enters 6th grade, they will need the following school supplies:
- 1 backpack
- 1 three-ring binder (1.5 or 2 inch)
- 1 five-subject notebook
- Loose leaf paper
- 1 pencil pouch
- #2 pencils
- Pens (blue or black)
- Highlighters
- 1 box of colored pencils
- 1 box of crayons
- 1 pair of scissors
- 1 glue stick
- 1 ruler
- 1 set of earbuds or headphones
In addition to the above supplies, your child will need to purchase a science journal. The science journal will be used throughout the year in class and will need to be replaced periodically. Brookwood Middle School recommends the following science journals:
- Carolina Biological Supply Company Student Science Journal
- The Young Scientists Journal
- Science Journal for Kids
If you have any questions about the 6th grade supply list, please contact the school office.