Coupling Price List

Coupling Price List

Coupling Price List

Coupling is a device used to connect two shafts together at their ends for the purpose of transmitting power. The primary purpose of a coupling is to join two pieces of rotating equipment while permitting some degree of misalignment or end movement or both. By careful selection, installation and maintenance of couplings, substantial savings can be made in power consumption, downtime and maintenance costs.

Couplings are also used to connect two non-rotating objects, such as pipes. There are many different types of couplings available on the market, each with its own set of advantages and disadvantages. When selecting a coupling, it is important to consider the application, environment, torque and misalignment requirements, as well as the type of load.

Types of Couplings

There are many different types of couplings available on the market. Some of the most common types include:

  • Flexible Couplings
  • Rigid Couplings
  • Universal Couplings
  • Flange Couplings
  • Sleeve Couplings
  • Disc Couplings
  • Gear Couplings
  • Chain Couplings

Flexible Couplings

Flexible couplings are used to connect two shafts that are misaligned. They are also used to absorb vibration and shock, and to compensate for shaft misalignment. Flexible couplings are available in a variety of styles, including disc, gear, elastomeric and diaphragm. The most common type of flexible coupling is the disc coupling, which consists of two hubs with a series of interlocking discs between them. Disc couplings are simple and rugged, and can accommodate large misalignments. However, they are not suitable for applications that require high torque or angular misalignment.

Rigid Couplings

Rigid couplings are used to connect two shafts that are aligned. They are also used to transmit high torque, and to prevent shaft misalignment. Rigid couplings are available in a variety of styles, including gear, flange, sleeve and keyed. The most common type of rigid coupling is the gear coupling, which consists of two hubs with a series of interlocking gears between them. Gear couplings are simple and rugged, and can accommodate high torque and misalignment. However, they are not suitable for applications that require angular misalignment.

Universal Couplings

Universal couplings are used to connect two shafts that are misaligned. They are also used to transmit high torque, and to prevent shaft misalignment. Universal couplings are available in a variety of styles, including gear, flange, sleeve and keyed. The most common type of universal coupling is the gear coupling, which consists of two hubs with a series of interlocking gears between them. Gear couplings are simple and rugged, and can accommodate high torque and misalignment. However, they are not suitable for applications that require angular misalignment.

Flange Couplings

Flange couplings are used to connect two shafts that are aligned. They are also used to transmit high torque, and to prevent shaft misalignment. Flange couplings are available in a variety of styles, including gear, sleeve and keyed. The most common type of flange coupling is the gear coupling, which consists of two hubs with a series of interlocking gears between them. Gear couplings are simple and rugged, and can accommodate high torque and misalignment. However, they are not suitable for applications that require angular misalignment.

Sleeve Couplings

Sleeve couplings are used to connect two shafts that are aligned. They are also used to transmit high torque, and to prevent shaft misalignment. Sleeve couplings are available in a variety of styles, including gear, flange and keyed. The most common type of sleeve coupling is the gear coupling, which consists of two hubs with a series of interlocking gears between them. Gear couplings are simple and rugged, and can accommodate high torque and misalignment. However, they are not suitable for applications that require angular misalignment.

Disc Couplings

Disc couplings are used to connect two shafts that are aligned. They are also used to transmit high torque, and to prevent shaft misalignment. Disc couplings are available in a variety of styles, including gear, flange and keyed. The most common type of disc coupling is the gear coupling, which consists of two hubs with a series of interlocking gears between them. Gear couplings are simple and rugged, and can accommodate high torque and misalignment. However, they are not suitable for applications that require angular misalignment.

Gear Couplings

Gear couplings are used to connect two shafts that are aligned. They are also used to transmit high torque, and to prevent shaft misalignment. Gear couplings are available in a variety of styles, including flange and keyed. The most common type of gear coupling is the flange coupling, which consists of two hubs with a series of interlocking gears between them. Gear couplings are simple and rugged, and can accommodate high torque and misalignment. However, they are not suitable for applications that require angular misalignment.

Chain Couplings

Chain couplings are used to connect two shafts that are aligned. They are also used to transmit high torque, and to prevent shaft misalignment. Chain couplings are available in a variety of styles, including gear, flange and keyed. The most common type of chain coupling is the gear coupling, which consists of two hubs with a series of interlocking gears between them. Gear couplings are simple and rugged, and can accommodate high torque and misalignment. However, they are not suitable for applications that require angular misalignment.


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