When it comes to insurance, the term “insureable” is used to describe something that can be insured against. This could be property, like your home or car, or it could be something like your life or health. In order to be insureable, an insurance company must be willing to take on the risk of insuring something.
There are a few factors that insurance companies take into account when deciding whether or not something is insureable. One is the probability of something happening. If there’s a good chance that something will happen, then it’s more likely to be insureable. Another factor is the potential loss. If there’s a lot of money at stake, then insurers are more likely to be interested.
Some things are uninsureable, either because the risk is too high or because insurers simply don’t offer coverage for them. For example, you can’t get insurance for a natural disaster like an earthquake or a hurricane. And you also can’t get insurance for something that’s illegal, like gambling or drugs.
If you’re not sure whether something is insureable, you can always ask an insurance company. They’ll be able to tell you whether or not they’re willing to provide coverage.