Kong Proxy Listen

Kong Proxy Listen

Kong Proxy Listen

Kong is a powerful HTTP proxy that can be used to improve your web development workflow. It can be used to proxy requests to your web server, allowing you to avoid CORS errors and optimize your development environment.

Kong can also be used to listen for requests from your web server and route them to the appropriate back-end service. This can be useful for debugging or for load balancing.

In this article, we’ll show you how to use Kong to proxy requests and how to use Kong to listen for requests. We’ll also show you how to configure Kong to work with your development environment.

What is Kong?

Kong is an open-source HTTP proxy and load balancer. It is written in Lua and can be deployed on Linux, macOS, and Windows. Kong can be used to proxy requests to your web server or to load balance requests between multiple back-end services.

How to Use Kong

Kong can be used to proxy requests to your web server or to load balance requests between multiple back-end services.

Configuring Kong

Kong can be configured to work with your development environment. To do this, you’ll need to edit the kong.conf file.

In the kong.conf file, you’ll need to set the proxy_listen and proxy_pass directives. The proxy_listen directive tells Kong which port to listen on for requests. The proxy_pass directive tells Kong where to forward requests.

You’ll also need to set the lua_code_cache directive to on. This directive tells Kong to cache Lua code, which will improve performance.

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Running Kong

Once you’ve configured Kong, you can start it by running the kong start command. This command will start Kong and make it available on the port you specified in the proxy_listen directive.

Testing Kong

You can test Kong by sending it a request. To do this, you’ll need to use a tool like cURL or Postman.


In this article, we’ve shown you how to use Kong to proxy requests and how to use Kong to listen for requests. We’ve also shown you how to configure Kong to work with your development environment.

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