Will Want Wont List
I’m a big fan of lists. In fact, I probably have a list for everything. Shopping lists, to-do lists, bucket lists, you name it. So when it comes to New Year’s resolutions, I like to make a “will want wont list” instead.
A will want wont list is simply a list of things you will want to do, things you want to do, and things you wont do. It’s a great way to get clarity on your goals and what you’re realistically able to commit to.
How to Make a Will Want Wont List
Making a will want wont list is easy. Simply grab a piece of paper or open up a document on your computer and divide it into three columns. Label the first column “will”, the second column “want”, and the third column “wont”.
Then start brainstorming all the things you’d like to accomplish in the new year. As you brainstorm, start sorting your ideas into the three columns. For example, let’s say you want to lose weight. You will want to commit to a healthy diet and exercise routine. But you want to lose weight in a way that’s sustainable and doesn’t require too much sacrifice. And you wont do fad diets or anything that’s overly restrictive. See how that works?
Once you’ve got your will want wont list sorted out, take a step back and review it. Make sure everything in the “will” column is something you’re confident you can commit to. And make sure the things in the “want” column are realistic and achievable. You may even want to move some things from the “want” column to the “wont” column if you’re not sure you can commit to them.
The Benefits of a Will Want Wont List
There are a few key benefits to making a will want wont list for your New Year’s resolutions. First, it helps you get clear on your goals. It’s easy to have grandiose plans for the new year, but when you actually sit down and start brainstorming, you may realize that some of your goals are unrealistic. A will want wont list can help you narrow down your goals to something more manageable and achievable.
Second, a will want wont list can help you stay accountable. When you’ve got your goals written down in black and white, it’s easier to stay focused and on track. And if you find yourself slipping up, you can refer back to your list and get yourself back on track.
Finally, a will want wont list is a great way to get some perspective on your New Year’s resolutions. When you review your list, you may realize that some of the things you want to do are actually more important to you than the things you will do. And that’s okay! Just knowing where your priorities lie can help you make more informed decisions about how to spend your time and energy in the new year.
Give It a Try!
If you’re looking for a more effective way to set your New Year’s resolutions, give the will want wont list a try. It’s a simple but powerful tool that can help you get clear on your goals and make sure you’re staying on track.